Adequate maintenance of boilers and hot water systems can help lower costs of operation by keeping power consumption low and avoiding downtime due to repairs. Having a reverse osmosis system as pretreatment can significantly lower costs due to poor maintenance of boiler systems.
Reverse osmosis systems reduce the dissolved solids that lead to scaling. Removing these contaminates improves the boilers efficiency and increases its ability to work at full capacity. The right RO system design will utilize ASME pressure vessels, filter tanks and high-quality instruments such as conductivity, pH and ORP meters. The pH level of water is an important factor for boiler efficiency.
Having a reverse osmosis system as boiler feed water pretreatment can:
Reduce chemical costs. The amount of boiler feed chemicals required to prevent condensation corrosion is less due to lower alkalinity in the boiler makeup water.
Installing a water treatment system in place before a boiler feed system will remove dissolved and suspended solids as well as organic material that may be present in the feed water.
Placing a reverse osmosis system prior to a water deionizer or demineralizer. This solution will reduce the number of regeneration cycles, which will lower the consumption of acid and caustic. This helps if the customer has limitations on discharge of chemicals because the amount of chemicals the demineralizer system uses is reduced.
Replacing existing water softener with reverse osmosis system. Having a RO system in place instead of a softener will lower fuel bills due to higher operating cycles. It will also decrease the risk of steam purity problems due to low quality feedwater from the softener. Having low quality product water from the softener will increase the alkalinity in the feedwater of the boiler, which will increase condensate corrosion levels.
Having pretreatment for a boiler is necessary to keeping your plant operating safely and efficiently. Installing a reverse osmosis system in place will lower operating costs of the boiler, as well as reduce the blow down times, formation of scale and corrosion.
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